Step 3 | Detailed Design

Having agreed upon a final concept design, we can then proceed with the detailed design of the piece of furniture. This takes place on the computer, where we will generate a 3D model of the piece. This allows us to produce technical drawings to aid us in the construction but also enables us to generate renders to help you decide on finishes, materials and overall shape of the piece.

Inevitably there will be tweaks to the design during this stage and it will ideally be a back and forth process with us sending you renders and/or drawings to review, and you providing us with feedback. When you are happy with the design, we will ask you to sign off the final set of drawings and approve our estimate for the overall build. We also ask for a deposit to cover material costs and any outstanding time spent to-date. This deposit will secure your slot in the build-queue.

The detailed design stage is charged on a time-basis. Going into the stage we will provide you with an estimate of the number of hours required to produce the detailed design and ask you to sign a contract agreeing to this cost. Payment for this is upfront and any variation between the estimated and actual time spent will be added to or deducted from the final project cost.