Step 4 | Construction

With a final design agreed upon, construction can begin. The process begins with timber selection, this is an important step as the grain of the timber we choose will inform the final look of the piece of furniture. We encourage you to be involved in this process, we can send images of potential pieces of timber for your review and we can discuss what kind of figuring, if any, you might like in your finished piece. You are more than welcome to join us at the sawmill for final selection of the timber if you wish.

We will keep you informed of progress throughout the construction phase via written updates and photographs. If possible, we encourage you to visit our workshop to see the progress in person at key stages. We have found that the more engaged a client is with making design decisions, the better the overall outcome of the project is. Depending upon the scale of the project, we will either request the outstanding payment in full upon completion and prior to delivery, or we may require a 50% down payment midway through the construction.