Privacy Policy

Edmund & Co. recognises that it has a responsibility to adhere to new GDPR regulation that came into force on 25.5.18.


Henry Gardner is responsible for ensuring that the GDPR/privacy policy is implemented however all employees have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of this policy are met.

Policy aims

To ensure legal compliance and the correct processing of personal data.

What personal data is collected?

Name, address, telephone number, email address

Where is personal data stored?

Physical, i.e. paper records are held at Edmund & Co.’s premises in the job archive. Digital information is held on a single, password protected laptop, backed up to the cloud and a single telephone belonging to company director H J E Gardner. If necessary a client’s phone number and or email address may be given to staff or a subcontractor for the duration of a job with client consent.

When is personal data shared?

Client data is occasionally shared, with client consent, with staff for the duration of a job, for example to enable fitters to contact a client regarding access to site. Edmund & Co. never shares or passes on client data to third parties without the consent of the client.

How is personal data used?

Client data is only used in relation to past, current or future jobs. Clients do not receive unsolicited marketing communications from Edmund & Co.

How long is data held for?

Client data is held for a minimum of 7 years following the end of a job for accounting purposes. In reality this data is held indefinitely unless the client requests it to be deleted.

What rights does someone have regarding their personal data held by Edmund & Co.?

Assuming there is no further need to keep data, for example for accounting purposes then clients can request that all data is erased and/or destroyed.

Where and when is someone whose personal data we hold made aware of this policy?

This policy can be accessed from Edmund & Co.’s website

What responsibilities does Edmund & Co. and its staff have regarding this policy?

  • All staff are made aware of this policy and its contents.

  • Staff are regularly reminded that the only personal data they can personally hold is client telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their phones for example to gain access to site or discuss a job. This must be deleted upon completion of the job.