Step 1 | Initial Consultation

This is the beginning of your journey towards a bespoke item of furniture. Ideally, when you get in contact with us to arrange the initial consultation meeting you will be able to provide us with a brief synopsis of what you are after. This will allow us to pull together a mood-board of various pieces of furniture that we can use to prompt discussion and ideas in our initial meeting.

The initial consultation meeting is provided free of charge and will ideally occur either at our London workshop or at your home. If this is not possible, we can arrange a video call instead. The purpose of the meeting is to get to know one another and to understand what your brief is. We will discuss budget, timeframe, furniture styles, timber species and look at examples to get an appreciation for both what you like and, equally importantly, what you don’t like.

We have produced a material inspiration guide which includes reference images of typical timber species we work with along with complementary materials. This guide can be found here and will hopefully help inform you when preparing for our initial meeting.